A Solitary Weekend

In self-defense class the crazy man said it's stupid to ever tell the internet (via the Book, Twitter, or blog) that you are home alone, but since I WAS home alone, I think it's safe to say it now. Also - I don't think any bad guys are reading this....so I feel pretty safe (which the crazy man said is the worst thing you can feel).

During my weekend alone, I achieved SO much. I love lists and I love to brag, so I'll combine the two:

1. All laundry (except the clothes I was wearing while doing it) INCLUDING SHEETS
2. Cleaned my room
3. Created a budget
4. Updated the budget
5. Organized my coupons (it's no Slez-binder, I'm still building)
6. Watched Season 1 of Breaking Bad
7. Watched Season 2 of Breaking Bad - until it got too scary
8. Made my bed
9. Finished all Hosea's multi-color yarn, and started working on Anthony's blanket.
10. Caught up on Teen Mom (Maci's such a b) and Bachelor Pad (I HEART Michael)
11. Went to Pilates
12. Found a new pedi place

It was a good weekend. The Emmys are the cherry on top.


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